MPSM311 Electronic Projects for Artists
:: A listing of source code for programming the AtMega 328 ::

* Pin-designation diagram for the atmega168/328 *

* C Programming examples for interacting with the chip *

* ASCII Code Translator *

00: LED_blink
00a: Processing 'Hello World' program
01a: Serial_w_LED_blink
01b: LED_blink_w_Timer
01c: LED_blink w Function
01d: Increment variable with switch
02: Simple_While()_loop
03: Simple_Switch_w_LED
04: Piezo_Start
05: Piezo_w_Function
06: Piezo_w_Scaled_Duration
06a: Piezo "tone"
07: Piezo_Random
07a: Piezo_Random with Switch
08: Piezo_tone()_scale (do re mi)
08a: Piezo_tone()_Tone_Array
09: Piezo_tone()_Theremin
09a: Piezo_tone()_Analog_Tones
10: Analog_Start
11: Analog_Start LED timer
12: Analog_Light_Sensor_Threshold
13: Analog_Knock_Sensor
14: Simplest_Arduino_Serial_Send
14a: Processing Serial Template (howto)
15: Simple_Processing_Serial_Receive
15a: Alternative_Simple_Processing_Serial_Receive
16: Serial_Send_Analog_(throw ASCII)
17: Serial_Data_Analog(Processing -catch ASCII)
17a: Serial_Data_AnalogTxt(Processing -catch ASCII)
18: Serial_Analog_Multi-Sensor (throw ASCII)
19: Serial_Multi-Sensor (Processing-catch ASCII)
20: Serial_Send_Analog_(throw numbers)
20a: Serial_Send_Analog_(throw ASCII)
20b: Analog_Serial_sendSwitch
21: Serial_Analog wText(Processing)
22: Serial_Graphics_Analog_Pt2(Processing)
22a: Serial_Image_Analog_Pt2a(Processing)
23: Serial_Oscilloscope (pd - catch numbers)
23a: Serial_Oscilloscope (Max - catch numbers)
23b: Serial Audio w Voices (Max - catch numbers)
24: Serial_SpaceJunk_Sw (ASCII)Arduino_Send
25: Serial_SpaceJunk_Sw (ASCII)Processing_Rec
26: PWM_(analogWrite)_Start
27: Candle_PWM_fade
28: Candle_PWM_flicker
28a: Candle_PWM_array_w_button
29: Servo_Start
29c: Servo_Start w Library
30: Servo_position_w_switch
31: Interrupts_Start
32: Serial_Receive_Start (Arduino)
33: Serial_Servo_Receive Arduino
34: Serial_Send_to_Arduino (Processing)
34a: Serial_Send_Key_to_Arduino (Processing)
34b: Serial_Receive_Key (Arduino)
34c: Serial_Receive_KeyServo (Arduino)
35: Serial_Send_Cam_(Processing)
36: Max Hello World
37: Max_serial_start
38: Max_Simple_Playback
39: Max_Vid_SimpleSerial
40: Max_Serial_Video_Control
41: download: pd sample playback
42: DC motor control
42a: DC motor control (old)
43: Capacitance Switch
44: download Capacitance Switch w/library
45: download for Analog Sensors
46: Shiffman_data_visualization
47: OSC-pd cellphone app (OSCTouch) example
48: Reactivision downloads
49: OSC network examples